The Watch face has the following features :-
1. Tap at 1 o clock to open watch battery settings menu.
2. Tap on 11 o clock to open watch settings menu.
3. Tap at 7 o clock to watch alarm settings.
4. Tap at 5 o clock to ope watch dialer app.
5. Tap on date text to open watch Calendar app.
6 Tap inside the seconds chronometer to take Heart Rate reading. An animated heart will appear and will stay till the time reading is completed after the reading is taken the animation will stop and hear rate text data will be updated.
7. Background styles for Main display can be changed from customization menu. See screen preview for examples.
9. Index options in customization menu for Main and AoD separately to match the backgrounds as well.
10. Hands colors can be changed from customization menu :
a. Default settings gold color On Main display & glowing hands shown on AoD.
b. On 1st setting after default gold color will remain same for main but for AOD
instead of glowing color normal gold color will be shown.
c. On 2nd setting after default silver color will be shown for both main and AOD.
11. 2 x customizable complications are available on main display.
12. 5 x customizable complications shortcuts are available via customization menu.