Download 10000+ Anime Wallpapers in HD with Ringtones, stunning collection for Anime Wallpapers and Anime Ringtones. Anime Wallpapers in 4K/HD resolution. This app has HD wallpapers for anime lovers. All anime wallpapers are in 4K HD quality. Anime Wallpapers You must have this app. It's easy just click install it and explore these amazing anime wallpapers.
Anime Ringtones
"Anime Ringtones" is the perfect ringtone app for anime fans, featuring a wide range of popular soundtracks from your favorite series. Customize your phone with high-quality ringtones, including battle themes, emotional music, and captivating scenes. Set these ringtones for calls, notifications, and alarms, and take your anime obsession with you wherever you go.
- Largest collection of DP photos and wallpapers
- Very lightweight and responsive app
- Share, save and apply to home screen and lock screen directly.
- Search wallpapers directly.
- All wallpapers are properly categorized.
- Get notified when new wallpapers are added.
- Consumes less RAM and battery.
- New DP images are added daily.
Disclaimer: All the anime wallpapers and Ringtones in this app are under common creative license and the credit goes to their respective owners. These images are not endorsed by any of the prospective owners, and the images are used simply for aesthetic purposes.