Welcome to our Audio Inject Tool which was designed specifically for our Audio inject mode on the Ultimate Ghost box models.
To benefit fully from the App you must Own the Ghost box Physical device, However the App may still be useful in other Applications using Normal Ghost boxes, Just you wont have the full experience as intended.
Please contact us on our Facebook Users group, "AppyDroid Users Group" For more help and assistance.
What does this App Do?
The Ultimate Ghost box model has a Mode which allows the Injection of a Secondary source either from Bluetooth or SD card, This operates at the same time as the Actual Ghost box mode, What the App does is it connects to the Ghost box Via Bluetooth and it can Capture the Audio coming from the Ghost box using the Microphone, You can then use the App tool to manipulate the Audio before its then returned back to the Ghost box, The manipulated audio is heard at the same time as the Ghost box which in turn Loop feedback's through the App continuously.
The App also offers some Effects such as Open Mic to Speaker feedback looping which Essentially creates an Analog Echo effect, This is not a processed effect, Its merely a controlled Echo feedback, Similarly you can also control the speed of this feedback, Slowing down or speeding up the audio injected back into the Ghost box, This is a lossless real time effect and not digital processing.
We have also Added a 5 band EQ To further adjust your desired audio style, This is handy as you can clean up the Audio levels without removing any of the actual sound produced.
Because we are using the Microphone it also Opens up the possibility of real time EVP Captures to be heard during the session, Where likely this was only possible whilst recording the session separately.
The Purpose of the Ultimate Ghost box and the App was to Open up new avenues of ITC Experimentation without the need for complex setups or additional mixers and computer programs, It is capable out of the box, The Apps job is to further its potential with its direct inject capabilities and sound manipulation properties which Adds Decades of real ITC Research in one neat bundle,
The greatest revolution in ITC Is here... This concept has never been done before in the ITC Community, with the only thing coming close is Portals and noise gates which merely just digitally process audio and hinder Actual communication with removing needed noise.
The Audio inject concept was created as Ghost boxes merely produce only White noise, But we know there are other frequencies and noise which Benefit in the production of EVP, Also can promote Activity in the vicinity, This is now possible by adding these frequencies and various noise directly into the Ghost box audio which really changes the session dynamics, The possibilities are endless.