Az Movies for Android (a TMDb client): The fastest, easiest way to find and discover movies on your device. Includes ratings of movies from popular websites!
- Movie Ratings from all the major sites
- Explore lot of movies using search feature
- Find detailed information about any movie, including major sites ratings, cast, trailers, similar movies and more
- Manage your favourites and share your favourites with your friends and family.
We are not doing any infringement of copyrights content. This app is basically a tool for user to easily find movie/show information or meta data. Contact us for any problems.
We are using TMDB's API for movies listing and posters of movies.
For More Info Visit Below Link
AZ Movies uses data and images by TMDb licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0:
AZ Movies uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb:
Notes :-
* This app is not affiliated with or authorized by website.
* Or Any unauthorized actions and violations of intellectual property rights is the whole responsibility of the user(Like download and repost or reupload of content)