Chemistry All Formulas App provides all the chemistry formulas required for a class 11th and class 12th student. This formulas app will help the users to easily find out formulas for revision. The users which are preparing for jee or neet exams will definitely find this app usefull.
The Chemistry All Formulas app contains all formulas in the following categories
Physical Chemistry -
a) Atomic Structure
b) Chemical Equilibrium
c) Chemical Kinetics & Radioactivity
d) Electrochemistry
e) Gaseous State
f) Ionic Equilibrium
g) Solid State
h) Solution & Colligative Properties
i) Stoichiometry
j) Thermodynamics
Inorganic Chemistry -
a) Chemical Bonding
b) Coordination Compounds
c) d-Block Elements & their Compounds
d) Metallurgy
e) p-Block Elements & their Compounds
f) Periodic Table & Periodicity
g) Qualitative Analysis
h) s-Block Elements & their Compounds
Organic Chemistry -
a) Aldehydes & Ketones
b) Alkane Alkene Alkyne, Alkyl Hallide & Alcohol
c) Aromatic Compounds
d) Carboxylic Acid & Derivatives
e) General Organic Chemistry
f) Grignard Reagents
g) Nomenclature
h) Oxidation Reaction
i) Reduction
j) Polymers
k) Structure Isomerism
All the required formulas of chemistry are present in all the above topics for jee and neet exams.
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