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Cogo Survey Pro

Cogo Survey Pro

4.5 by Tom Blaxland
5/5 (100 Reviews) March 14, 2025
Cogo Survey Pro Cogo Survey Pro Cogo Survey Pro Cogo Survey Pro Cogo Survey Pro Cogo Survey Pro

Latest Version

March 14, 2025
Tom Blaxland
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More About Cogo Survey Pro

Cogo Survey Pro is a surveying application that includes:
Points Database---> Import a .csv points file or add manually. Points form the database can be used in all the other modules by calling the point number with a comma in front of the point number.(ie ",pt105" in the easting field). Export to .csv and save to internal storage or sand via email.

Plot Screen--> Display the points graphically from the point database.

Area By Coordinates---> Calculate the area of a shape with up to 20 sides. Points are stored in a table that is editable.

2 & 3 Point Arcs---> Create arcs from 2 points and a radius or with 3 points. Then divide the curve in equal parts.

Bearing Conversions----> Convert bearings from decimal to DMS and DMS to decimal.

Bearing Calculator---> Add or subtract bearings in DegMinSec format

Survey---> Convert field data into XYZ coordinates. Input Hz bearing , vertical bearing and slope distance to convert to coordinates.

Inverse---> Compute bearing and distance between coordinates.

Inverse List---> Get a list of bearings and distances form a nominated point to all points in the database.

Traverse---> Calculate co-ordinates from bearing and distance of an occupied station.

Pt To Line---> Calculate the offset and chainage of a point from a line. Or Calculate coordinates by inputting chainage and offset.

Level Book---> A leveling sheet that allows the surveyor to input readings from a level run and compute elevations on the go.Export the data to a .csv file and send via Email. Never again get to the end of a loop without knowing if there has been a mistake made

Intersection By Points---> Calculate the coordinates of a point by intersecting lines with known coordinates. Can project a line through when lines don't intersect.

Curve Calc---> Calculate the middle ordinate by knowing radius and chord length.

Settings---> Choose a custon delimiter. Change between a light and dark theme. Change form degrees to gradians.

This app will not work on every single device and version of Android. There are hundreds of android devices and a wide variety of chip sets and testing them all is not possible.

Please leave feed back about any bugs or requested improvements.

This is open-source application provided free of charge without advertising. It is provided with no warranty whatsoever. By using it the user agrees that the author is not responsible for any financial loss as a result of using this application. While the application has automatic backup features the author is not responsible for any loss of data that may occur.

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