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Elections of India

Elections of India

1 by Vichitra Games
5/5 (100 Reviews) March 14, 2025
Elections of India Elections of India Elections of India Elections of India Elections of India

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March 14, 2025
Vichitra Games
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More About Elections of India

Vichitra Games launches Elections of India 2024 a board and turn based strategy game. A lot of elections are on doorsteps in India, who would win it? Grab this opportunity and play this government and political strategy game.
Election commission of India organizes elections across India. We have created this game only for entertainment purpose and we are trying to increase awareness of elections across youths of country. We do not promote any party. We respect the Democracy.

EOI allows user to play in three types of elections. Municipal Corporation , Vidhan Sabha (State assembly) and Lok Sabha (Parliament of India).

In Municipal corporation user can play in 12 levels. We have selected 12 most populous Municipal corporations across India.
User can play on following municipal corporation levels.
1. Nagpur municipal corporation
2. Kanpur municipal corporation
3. Lucknow municipal corporation
4. Jaipur municipal corporation
5. Surat municipal corporation
6. Pune municipal corporation
7. Ahmedabad municipal corporation
8. Bengaluru municipal corporation
9. Hyderabad municipal corporation
10. Chennai municipal corporation
11. Kolkata municipal corporation
12. Mumbai municipal corporation

In Vidhan Sabha user can play in 19 levels. We have selected all states of India but some levels are combination of two or more states.
User can play following state assembly levels
1. Jharkhand state assembly
2. Jammu & Kashmir state assembly
3. Chattisgarh state assembly
4. Telangana state assembly
5. Himachal Pradesh & Uttarakhand state assembly
6. Kerala state assembly
7. Odisha state assembly
8. Andhra Pradesh state assembly
9. Gujarat state assembly
10. Rajasthan state assembly
11. Karnataka state assembly
12. Madhya Pradesh state assembly
13. Bihar state assembly
14. Tamil Nadu state assembly
15. Punjab, Haryana & Delhi state assembly
16. West Bengal & Sikkim state assembly
17. Maharashtra & Goa state assembly
18. States of North East India state assemblies
19. Uttar Pradesh state assembly

Lok Sabha is a biggest level of all and user can play on map of India.

User can see results of election after end of the level. User can also see the election result of each level any time.

User can select one alliance out of three NDA, UPA and Third Front. The goal of user is to gain control over more than half constituencies. Any alliance who gains control over half constituencies first will win the election.
User need to throw dice then user gets as many actions as dice shows. User can use only these number of actions in that particular turn. Actions could be capture empty territory, Increase power of own territory, reduce power of enemy territory or Increase espionage meter.
Once espionage meter is full, then espionage power is executed and user can gain control over enemy territories based on some logic. Artificial intelligence also uses espionage power.
Three political alliances are competing to gain more than half of constituencies makes it more challenging and fun to play. User need to maintain balance between all combination of actions to win the game.
You would love to see the result of Lok Sabha election once you unlock this level :)

So, What are you waiting for? Download Election of India for free now and make your political party victorious!

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