TikReal is the best tool to control and boost your Instagram and TikTok followers & like. And it is the most accurate analyzer that helps you get the answers you’re seeking about your instagram and TikTok followers growth.
Downloading TikReal now, getting all the followers data and finding out the possibility to become more popular will never be a problem.
★ Don’t Follow Me Back - People who don't follow you back.
★ Mutual - Mutual followers, people you follow and they follow you back.
★ Follow Back - People you are not following on.
★ I follow - All people you are following.
★ Recent Unfollowers - People who unfollowed you recently.
★ Starred - Long press on any person from the list of people you follow to add them to your favourite list.
★ Mass unfollow - Unfollow upto 50 people with a single action.
★ Track your followers.
★ Track your unfollow.
★ Who hasn’t followed you back ?
★ Who hasn’t followed you back ?
★ Who blocked me ?
★ Your posts view report.