GLADPAY offer instant Airtime Recharge, Affordable Databundle, CableTV (DStv, GOtv & Startimes), Electricity Bill Payment, Education PIN, and more.
What Makes us Unique:
- We're Fast
- Automated Services
- 100% Secured
- We're Reliable
- Always Online
- 24/7 Customer Support
With GLADPAY APP you enjoy:
2% off on each Mobile Recharge
Savings on your Bills Payments
Secure payment via bank account, debit or credit card: 100% secured & certified
Here are some other things you can do with GLADPAY:
MOBILE RECHARGE: Earn 2% off on every airtime purchase!
It’s instant and easy. When making a mobile recharge, you can browse through all the recharge plans and pick the preferred one for you.
CABLE TV RECHARGE: Save money on each cable TV bill payment! It’s simple & instant. Select your operator, fill in the customer id, choose your plan/amount, verify your account details on summary page & complete your payment.
INTERNET BILL PAYMENT: Enjoy swift payment & save money on every internet Bill!
Select your internet provider, select your data plan/amount & complete your payment. You’re done, enjoy surfing!