Hijri Salah App (Fatimid) is an application for Hijri - Gregorian calendar & Salah Time.
The Hijri calendar is based on the Fatimid calendar which was used during the Fatimid age in Egypt and is known to be formulated by Imam Jaffer Al-Sadiq PBUH based on the teaching of Aaimah Tahereen before him.
The Salah (Namaaz) times are calculated based on device location and Sharia guidelines.
🟢Hijri Salah App (Fatimid)
✔️Hijri Calendar
✔️Salah times
✔️Islamic Events
🟢Features Details:
✔️Hijri – Gregorian Calendar
- This mobile application offers both Islamic and Gregorian calendars.
- Important Islamic events highlighted with short description.
- Jump to any Year and get the calendar easily calculated.
- Today button to display current month calendar with Today date highlighted.
✔️Salah Times
- Accurate prayer times based on your current location for any city in the world.
- Slide to next and previous days
- View the remaining time for each Salah & see accurate Muslim prayer times of the entire day
✔️Important Islamic Events
- List of Important Islamic /dawat-hadiya days and dates with their equivalent Gregorian Dates.
For questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to send me email at - hijrisalahcal@gmail.com