I-GUIDE app is intended to become a unique place where you can find everything you need on the path to US citizenship - from information on how to buy a SIM card to contacts of specialists.
You will be able to find detailed instructions and answers to popular questions on the following topics:
First steps in the USA
Political Asylum
Work Permit and SSN
Immigration Court
Business and taxes in the USA
ICE officers
Obtaining a Green Card and US Citizenship
TPS and U4U programs
Immigration news
You can also order non-legal assistance with filling out immigration forms or find russian-speaking specialists, for example:
Insurance agents
Psychotherapists, etc.
And owners of a premium account will have access to viewing and downloading files with samples, forms and translations into Russian of the most common immigration documents, such as:
Cover Page
Proof of Service
Motion to change Venue
Expedite request, etc.
Disclaimer: I-GUIDE does not represent or is not affiliated with, any U.S. government entity.
We do not provide legal advice, as I-GUIDE and FORZ LLC are not law firms. All information provided by I-GUIDE is based on official, publicly available sources and the personal experiences of thousands of immigrants. This information is not intended to be legal advice.
I-GUIDE provides real-time case status information that is publicly available at https://egov.uscis.gov/casestatus/landing.do.
This information is provided by USCIS for informational purposes only. Therefore, we do not guarantee the accuracy of the information, and it cannot be used in any legal proceedings.
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Privacy Policy: https://i-guide.info/privacy-policy