अगर आप Electrician तथा Wireman Trade से आईटीआई कर रहे है तोह यह ऐप जरूर इनस्टॉल करे.
Features in this app:
2. अध्याय के अनुसार प्रश्न
3. इलेक्ट्रिक सिम्बल
4. एक शब्द में उत्तर
5. इलेक्ट्रीशियन नोट्स
6. एम्प्लॉयबिलिटी स्किल्स
7. वर्कशॉप & कैलकुलेशन Sc.
8. इंजीनियरिंग ड्राइंग
9. पिछले साल का पेपर
# QUIZ :- in this ITI electrician app also available quizzes based on chapter not a number of question you can start quiz by select chapter name . dynamic ally every time question will changing
#ONE LINE QUESTION :- in this ITI electrician hindi app included 10000+ one line question and dynamically change every time .
#ITI ELECTRICIAN / WIREMAN IMP SYMBOLS :- we added number of symbols electrician trade with clean and suitable diagram
#ITI ELECTRICIAN TOOLS:- we also added number of tools related to electrician / wireman trade like phase tester, hammer, screw driver and all important tool added . every tools with suitable diagram added with all parts name . you can easily understand
#BENEFITS :- if you studied from this app you can easily go to any electrician related exam . means all basic to advanced level ITI electrician trade syllabus covered.
#USER INTERFACE :- this app included multiple types of animations and beautiful color and popular fonts we used …. ( USER FRIENDLLY APP ) . THIS APP NOT HAVING ANY COMPLEX USER INTERFACE
इस ऐप को बनाने में बहुत ही परिश्रम और अमूल्य समय लगा है।
अगर इस ऐप से आपको कोई हेल्प हो तोह, 5 स्टार रेटिंग दे।