KB Mobile is a Kingdom Bank Mobile Banking platform that allows Kingdom Bank Customers to take a full control of their Bank accounts using their Mobile Phones.
We will do our best to make your KB Mobile experience as WOW as possible.
For any help or support please contact our customer service at info@kingdombankltd.co.ke.
You can also find us on:
Phone: Call us on 0709881300
Email: info@kingdombankltd.co.ke
Website: https://www.kingdombankltd.co.ke
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kingdom Bank
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kingdombankenya
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kingdom_bankke
What’s new,
Find below what’s new in our latest upgrade,
Supports STK push Deposit, Increased mini statement to 10 transactions,
Enable fingerprint login, Add beneficiaries, Standing orders,
Utility payment to schools and churches,
Happy about our app? Remember to leave a review and let everyone know how KB Mobile is assisting you.