salat is the major form of worship that a Muslim offers five times a day regularly. and it is a complete guide for believers to get themselves comfortable
The establishment of salat is one the major topics upon which Quran has emphasized more than anything else.
the major benefits of salat that elaborate the importance of salat. which is invoking Allah, leading to Taqwa, reward in the Afterword, Staying Connected with Allah , Protection from Saitan and prevention from Lewdness.
This app Learning Prayer in Islam will help you to teach your kids very easily and step by step, it doesn’t have any long explanation in it, more importantly it is only a learning app and you will not find anything else in this app
The app Learning Prayer in Islam it is very simple for learning step by step. It’s a free app you don’t need to pay anything for this app.
the recitation required of each step is also provided in this app.
moreover translation , transliterating and audio for each step of prayer are also provided in this app.
The benefits of using this App that each Step of salat is perform with complete precision.
The app Learning Prayer in Islam contain all basics of prayer , Dua after prayer, Dua-e-Qunoot, salat with Picture and audio, method for ladies, method of for men , important Things of to remember, how to perform obligatory fard ,Sunnah, and Witr.
The app Learning Prayer in Islam contains all the obligatory acts of prayer , The guidance about How to stand in Prayer, How to recite Quran in Salat , How To sit in Tashah-hud, How to recite Du'aa-Qunoot and all Complete acts of Prayer
There are all instructions about all fives Prayers How to Perform Fajr Prayer, Dhuhr Prayer, Asr Prayer, Maghreb Prayer, Isha Prayer.
All Steps of Prayer with Photos or visual presentation and audio recitation of all Prayer steps of Arabic Script only for to Learn prayer Easily.
Among the most important contents of the app Learning Prayer in Islam :
Preparing for Prayer
Performing the Muslim Prayers
Questions & Answers About Prayer
Learn To Pray Through Videos
What is Salah and Why Do We Pray?
How to Make Wudu Step by Step
Checklist for Getting Ready to Pray
How to Pray, Step by Step
How to Pray the 5 Daily Salah
The Conditions and Pillars of Salah
Common Mistakes to Avoid in the Prayer
Obligation to Offer Prayers
Importance of Prayer
Timings for Prayers
Adhan or the Muslim call to Prayer
Conditions for Prayer
The Method of Offering Prayer
Remembrance of Allah After of the Prayer
Friday Prayer
Constituent Parts of Prayer
Prayer Offered in Exceptional Circumstances
the features provided by this app Learning Prayer in Islam are as following:
covering each step of performing salat
Comprehensive videos about teaching prayer step by step
Important Questions About Prayer
Easy to deal with the app in terms of the lack of buttons and the quality of the design
Add the search feature within the application
Continuous update of the application
If you like the app Learning Prayer in Islam , please rate it five stars and send your feedback to work on developing the app continuously