The MobiCall.App is the next generation mobility app from New Voice.
After 15 years with the existing apps, the new technologies allow even faster and more convenient access to alarm triggering, events, tasks and status changes to MobiCall.
An excerpt of the available functions:
•Alarm triggering with and without text and image
•Alarm triggering with and without advance warning
•Alarm reception with text and picture
•Alarm acknowledgment and rejection
•Logging in and out of presence on the system
•Service based telephony and alarms
•Access to special web pages for quick and reliable execution of work processes
Coming next:
• Path finding
•Task management
•Recording of articles using QR code and MobiCall warehouse management
•SIP telephony
The application requires a server/client license in connection with a MobiBBox MobiCall instance (also fully redundant) or in connection with a MobiCCloud.
Accessibility Service:
Some devices have additional hardware buttons built-in. MobiCall supports launching alarms by pressing these buttons, even when the app is not running. For that, the app uses an Accessibility Service.
While Accessibility Services offer deep access to most processes on your phone, MobiCall will only use it to react to emergency button presses, nothing else will be tracked. The Accessibility Service will also only be activated on phones that require it, and you will get clearly prompted.