The most efficient way to get subway arrival times and alerts to help you get around New York Cty. Whether you're interested in the stations close to you or specific ones for your daily commute - its as easy as pressing a button on your home screen. No opening an app required!
• Nearby widget - See stations within an adjustable radius from your location
• Favorites widget - Only see which stations and their lines and directions you select as your favorites
• Alerts - Upon refreshing, tapping on a line with an alert icon will show you details about delays, skipped stations, re-routed lines, and other important updates
• Locate a station - Tapping on a station's name on the widget will open it in your favorite maps app
• Multiple destinations - Does your line have multiple destinations? The widget will show you arrival times of each so you can catch the one you're interested in
*** Coming soon: Bus data ***
MTA Widget it not affiliated with the Metropolitan Transit Association or any other transit agencies, nor does it pretend to be.