With My Lyrics, organize the lyrics of your favorite songs quickly and offline. You can create your own lyrics or search for the lyrics of your favorite artists. Additionally:
• Save song lyrics to view them anytime, anywhere—no internet connection needed.
• Organize lyrics quickly: drag and drop to move a song's lyrics. Swipe to remove them from the list. Drag, Drop & Swipe!
• Adjust font size for easier reading. If you’re a singer, you’ll love reading your lyrics with a larger font on stage.
• Use dark mode to rest your eyes and save battery at the same time.
• Find song lyrics using the built-in web search (this feature requires an internet connection).
• Share lyrics with your friends via Messenger, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter... or any social network! Email, Google Drive, or Bluetooth—there are no limits to sharing your lyrics.
• Integrated Teleprompter: Automatically follow your lyrics while you sing or practice.
• AI-powered Chat: Generate new song ideas with our AI.
• Database backups: Securely save your lyrics with automatic backups.
• Online lyrics search: Easily find song lyrics from the app.
My Lyrics is perfect for musicians, singers, and karaoke lovers. There are no excuses not to sing at parties, events, or gatherings with your friends.
Take My Lyrics with you and sing your song!