As a member of Santa Clara Family Health Plan, you can log into mySCFHP to:
View your health plan benefits, claims, and authorizations
Update your contact information
Request a new ID card
View or request to change your Primary Care Provider (PCP)
Request transportation to medical appointments
Get in touch with Customer Service and Case Management
and more.
In order to complete registration, you will need information from your SCFHP member ID card.
Visit our website at to stay up-to-date on important information from SCFHP.
Santa Clara Family Health Plan (SCFHP) is a local, community-based health plan dedicated to creating opportunities for better health and wellness for all. In partnership with providers and community organizations since 1997, we work to ensure everyone in Santa Clara County has access to equitable, high-quality health care. With a strong commitment to integrity and outstanding service, we serve and support our community through SCFHP Medi-Cal and SCFHP DualConnect (HMO D-SNP) health care plans.