Get this timer on your device to solve cubes anywhere and anytime while keeping track of your progression, your averages, your best times, and a lot more.
• Scramble generation for many cube types
• Define your own solve types to have separate histories for a same cube type
• Lots of customization options
• Multiple-steps timer allowing you to know where you should focus your practice (pre-registered steps, or define your own)
• Special scramble types to practice only F2L, last layer, PLL and more
• Graphs
• Times import/export
• Cubing sessions
• Random-state scrambles for 3x3x3, 2x2x2, Square-1 and Pyraminx
• Special blind solve type with blind-specific fields like success rate, last/best Mo3 and average of successes
• Keep track of your averages and your best times