An example receiver implementation for OpenDroneID Bluetooth, Wi-Fi NAN (Neighbor Aware Network) and Wi-Fi Beacon signals for Android phones. The application is compliant with the Bluetooth, Wi-Fi NaN and Wi-Fi Beacon parts of the ASTM F3411 Remote ID standard and the ASD-STAN prEN 4709-002 Direct Remote ID standard.
The application continuously scans for Bluetooth advertising/Wi-Fi NaN signals/beacons. If any is found matching the specifiers for OpenDroneID signals, it adds that transmitter to a list, will display the location of the drone on a map and can show the detailed content of the OpenDroneID data.
Source code and development activities related to the application can be found at
For more in-depth information about Open Drone ID, please see the opendroneid-core-c project at
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