Save money in your piggy bank, or you take money out from it and record it using this app, where you can visualize your savings progress and in addition challenge yourself to meet all the deadlines and goals that you have set to full fill.
**You can save money by different modes:
💰I know how much I want to save (with planning):
- Create a goal and set the specific amount you want to save in such format like daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Meanwhile, you can withdraw too from savings.
💰I just want to save (without planning):
- Deposit or withdraw money from your saving (piggy bank) any time and keep a history of all your transactions (you can also edit history).
**Why to use Piggy Bank: Savings Goal app
- Visualize your progress with graphs
- Deposit or withdraw money from your piggy bank as per your need
- No limit for creating goals, create as many goals as you need
- Easy to use and simple UI design
- Statistics show how much you saved, total transaction, last 7 days savings, average savings per day, etc.
- The challenge encourages weekly savings of a certain amount for certain times
- Keep track of your savings and get motivated to achieve your desired goals
- Best for Money Saving, savings goal tracker, and set your piggy goals