An early morning prayer service provides peace, comfort, and hope. Join us each and every morning at 6AM Pacific Time as we pray over what God has done and what He continues to do in each moment. Join us every morning for these uplifting messages and prayers.
Powerful and uplifting prayers at the end of your day. A daily and spiritual practice that you can use to get your day started!. An inspirational, uplifting prayer session to begin your day. Hear God's message and learn to live your best happy life. A daily prayer service - highlighter edition - that brings you the highlighter-worthy passages you can find in the powerful Early Morning Prayer by James 5:13-18.
Save money and prayers to start your day. Get cleaned and cleared with the Lord before you start your day. This will help to form strong inner-routine, thoughts, and emotions. Wake up to emotional energy. Don't let the rest of your day pass you by. So many times in life, we want to get up early and start our day off right by saying a prayer - but there are a lot of distractions. Our goal is to create a home for your early morning prayer with a morning voice to listen to before you start your morning tasks.
Our mission is to get you more connected with God in the early morning. Wake up to a new day with God's peace and hear His word bring you joy. Our morning prayers - a sacred time to connect with your family, yourself, and oth. The Powerful Early Morning Prayer is an essential prayer. It's a perfect prayer for waking up, for the school day, for worship and for class. We offer a simple guide here with a few thoughts and words of prayer.
Want to start your day off right? Join us in a mindset of gratitude, peace, and deeper connection with God. Wake up with a new mindset and a deeper prayer this week. Our mission is to provide content that supports a beautiful and quiet morning and early mornings. For the everyday person who wants to start their day on the right track. Early morning prayer that is empowering, uplifting, cathartic and rhythmic.
This is a powerful and hopeful prayer for the new day, new selves and a fresh start. This prayer is for you and for those you would like to pray for. Powerful Early Morning Prayer and morning blessings from the desk of Pastor Carlton.
Whether you're new to prayer or have been a part of it for a while, we want to talk to you about morning prayer. Find out the importance of praying first thing in the morning, and how to start. This is so powerful, you'll see what true rest, peace, and intentions are like that come after this protocol. You'll learn to do this in 10 minutes so you have time during your busy day to get in a deep prayer. We have this prayer in a variety of languages so you should find the language you prefer.
Have you ever found a place in your day that helps quiet your mind, center your energy and sense of purpose- no matter what the day brings? Well, that's what we're doing each day with our morning prayers. You can feel the power and intensity of the scriptures when you join us and relax into God. Devotionals for early morning prayer. Perfect for mornings, for first days back, for shut eye and affirmation after a difficult day.
Powerful early morning prayer, morning blessings, bible reading, bible study and devotional. Our daily goal is that this show impacts your life and the lives of those you love. Serve through prayer and praise with a bit of lightheartedness. Get the day started right, cultivate deep life-giving relationships, and learn to be a bountiful blessing to the world.
The most powerful way of praying, we believe, and the most relevant way as well - is when you pray early in the morning. The Early Morning Prayer podcast is here to change the way you start your day. In this program, you'll hear powerful and uplifting messages, prayers, melodies, and stories. Our hope is to connect you to God over the airwaves and get you re-energized on the first days of your new year.