After a devastating invasion by the enigmatic machine race known as the Remnant, the galaxy clings to a fragile peace brokered by the newfound alliance of the Galactic Council. In the wake of the fall of the once mighty Elven Realms of Avrendiel, the galaxy stands on the precipice of a new maelstrom of power struggles among the council races.
In the midst of this looming conflict, Princess Isla of Astraheim embarks on a perilous journey, driven by a deep longing to uncover the truth behind her parents' disappearance. Little does she know that her relentless pursuit of answers will thrust her into the heart of political turmoil.
Join Princess Isla on an epic space adventure, where you will take command of a team of extraordinary Cadet Girls. These exceptional leaders helm a formidable space fleet, ready to navigate the challenges of an uncertain galaxy and confront the secrets hidden within.
【Game Features】
- Real-time Fleet Battle:
Engage in heart-pounding real-time battles in the vastness of 3-Dimensional space. The fate of galaxies lies in your hands as you strategize and command your fleet to victory.
- Vibrant cast of Heroines:
Take control of an armada comprising multiple battle groups, each under the command of a Heroine officer. Streamlined controls and automation options ensure you're always in charge. Make them your waifu in the due course as their stories unfold.
- Variety of Ships with Unique Tactical Roles:
Customize your fleet with a variety of ship types: Assault, Heavy, Artillery, Support and Carrier, each specializing in unique tactical roles. Whether it's hit-and-run tactics, crowd control, artillery strikes, or air supremacy, you have the tools to dominate the battlefield.
- Endless Customization:
Tailor your fleet to perfection with customizable crew assignments, fleet compositions, and weapon configurations. Experiment with different setups to find your winning strategy.
Download now and become the ultimate space strategist!
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