1.Basic Calculator:
・Sleek and stylish design
・Large buttons for easy pressing
・Displays results even for large numbers
・Scrollable for viewing results with large digit counts
・Accurate calculation
・Use the backspace key to revert to previous steps in the calculation
・You can insert calculations at your preferred location.
・Check calculation history
2.Programmer Calculator:
・Clean and stylish design
・Toggle between HEX (hexadecimal), DEC (decimal), OCT (octal), and BIN (binary) modes
・Switch between 1 and 0 bits to perform conversions for each numeral system
・Toggle between signed and unsigned
・Use the backspace key to revert to previous steps in the calculation
・Check calculation history
3.ASCII Code Converter
・Seamless conversion
・Convert between ASCII code, binary, octal, and hexadecimal
4.Color Code Converter
・Seamless conversion
・Convert between RGB, RGB(HEX), HSL, and HSV