Remote for MPC does exactly what its name implies: it lets you remote control Media Player Classic straight from your phone! It features a very minimalistic and straightforward user interface that allows you to access the controls you use most with ease.
✓ No advertising whatsoever
✓ Intuitive user interface
✓ Standard media player controls
✓ File browser which enables you to search for and play files on the computer running MPC
✓ Automatically find computers running MPC
✓ Notification controls
✓ Keep screen on
✓ Pause or mute automatically when receiving calls
Instructions for connecting to MPC
Make sure that your phone and computer are on the same network!
Media Player Classic:
• Go to View -> Options -> Player -> Web Interface
• Select "Listen on port" and press "OK"
• Make sure that "Allow access from localhost only" is unchecked!
In App:
• Go to Server Management
• If a computer is automatically found click on the three dot menu and press "Connect", otherwise add one manually
Please note that Remote for MPC is an unofficial app.