Wizard of Ohm is a resistor color code calculator/decoder.
Useful for electronics hobbyists or students in electrical engineering. If you are tinkering with Arduino, Raspberry Pi or other boards, this is the app for you.
The main features of this app are:
✓ retrieve the resistor value based on the bands colors
✓ find the color code of a given value
✓ support 4-band, 5-band and 6-band resistors
✓ intuitive user interface
✓ automatic computation of the tolerance range
✓ warn when the value is a non-standard one
✓ support E-6, E-12, E-24, E-48, E-96, E-192 series
✓ use Material Design 3 (the latest user interface from Google)
✓ use dynamic theme: the app uses the overall theme defined for your phone
✓ optimized display for portrait or landscape mode
Note: dynamic theme is only enabled with Android version 12 or more.
The most interesting feature here is the warning when the color combination is not a standard one. If the value is not a standard one (as defined in the IEC 60063 standard), then you don't have any chance to find the resistor anywhere since the manufacturers are only making the standard values and not all possible combinations!
Most of the other resistor color calculator apps do not perform this check and are therefore not useful at all.