Spy Jammer app is designed to provide the users with the urgently needed protection against digital eavesdropping. The app protects the most neglected part of your web and mobile devices, cameras and microphones.
How serious is the threat? Top government officials, Silicon Valley Executives and Cyber Security experts such as FBI Former use tapes on their cameras and do not take their devices to critical meetings out of fear of adversaries listening, viewing, and recording their private interactions.
We are proud to offer our application for FREE to all the Journalists and Activists and their immediate families around the globe and donate a percentage of the proceeds to promote free speech.
We are in the era where information is king. Everybody wants your information. We mean everybody!
Our proprietary app is designed to BLOCK THEM ALL:
◼ Jealous Partners & Exes
◼ Sextortions
◼ Blackmail
◼ Cyber Bullying
◼ Employers
◼ Identity Thieves
◼ Cyber Criminals
◼ Cyber Peeping Toms
◼ Governments
◼ Stalkers
◼ Business Partners
◼ Competitors
◼ Apps on your device
◼ Social media sites
◼Foreign Business Espionage
⭕ Note:
The app only requires this permission to disable/enable camera access for all apps because it is an app functionality that allows users to preserve their privacy with their consent. For Android 9 and lower, the app uses ADMIN POLICY; for Android 10 and higher, the app uses ACCESSIBILITY APIs.