A comprehensive solution for managing Android devices, it mirrors screen and audio from multiple devices to a PC, enabling control of up to 100 devices via mouse, keyboard, and voice. You can also control multiple devices from a single Android device. Features include object/coordinate synchronization and script automation. Widely used in Android devices management, centralized customer service systems, Android mobile app testing, and other fields. Visit our website (www.sigma-rt.com/en/tc/download/) to download the compatible Windows version and get started.
Main Functions:
● Screen & Audio Mirroring – Project multiple Android devices to a PC.
● Flexible Connection – Supports Wi-Fi, USB, and Ethernet.
● Recording & Screenshots – Capture screen and unlimited video recordings.
● PC Control Androids – Use a mouse, keyboard, screen, and microphone to control 1 to 100 Android devices from your PC.
● Devices Control – Control multiple devices from a single Android device.
● Notifications – View and reply to messages on your PC.
● Control with Screen Off – Operate your device while the screen is off to save battery.
● Multi-Device View – Open separate windows for each device (Windows Desktop Mode) or monitor multiple at once (Multi-Device Control Center).
● Automation – Object-based (UI elements) to replace coordinate-based actions and retrieval.
● Scripting – Supports JavaScript & REST API, with 200+ built-in APIs and easy expansion.
● AAIS – Simple command-based automation. Object-based capture and replay generate AAIS.
● Windows Input Support – Use native Windows language and input methods on Android devices.
Key Features:
● AAIS: Simple language for simple automation. The script written in AAIS can be run on 100 devices concurrently.
● Included powerful queries language to extract information or perform actions on certain nodes.
● Offset: {query:"T:Model name&&OX:1", action:"getText"} will obtain the model name of the device. OY/OX: will move forward or backward (negative value) to locate a node.
● Scroll to find: Can scroll until a query is found {query:"T:John", preAction:"scrollToView", action:"click"} will scroll until John is found and click on John.
● Line Mode: "LT" or "LB" for top/bottom line mode. {query:"LB:-1&&T:Chats&&OY:-1", action:"click"} will find the text on the last line of the screen, locate "Chats", move up one node (Chats icon) and click.
● Template: Provided template to limit the search. For instance: {query:"TP:textInput", action:"setText('Hello')"} will search for text field, type Hello on the first input field.
● You can compost multiple actions to accomplish a task: {query:"TP:textInput&&T:Type a message", actions:["setText(Hello)", "addQuery(OX:2)", "click"]}, this will enter "Hello" in the text field with hint of "Type a message", move right 2 nodes, click to send the message.
● With object-based turn on in MDCC, click on "OK" on the main device, it will send {query:"T:OK"} instead of coordinates to all selected devices. Object-based synchronization will work on devices with different resolutions and screen sizes.
● See "FindNode User Guide" for more information: https://www.sigma-rt.com/en/tc/find-node/
AAIS Example: Open Skype, scroll to search John, send text and back to main chats screen.
open "Skype"
wait "Favorites"
print "Skype is started"
find "John"
click "John"
text "Hello, John"
//Send button is second nodes from text field
click "TP:textInput&&OX:2"
//First back dismiss keyboard, second back go back to main screen
press Back
press Back
print "Done"
Learn more: https://www.sigma-rt.com/en/tc/aais/
● Suitable Model: Windows XP ~ Windows 11 / Android 6.x and above
● Website: http://www.sigma-rt.com/en/tc
● Getting Started: https://www.sigma-rt.com/en/tc/guide/
● Seek Technical Support: support@sigma-rt.com
● Product Cstomization or Bulk Discounts: sales@sigma-rt.com