Tonlesap-Seller App is available for Android. It provides all actors of agricultural supply chain be able to self-register to be seller of agricultural products and services on Tonlesap App.
Tonlesap-Seller App is a digital platform that allowing all agricultural supply chain actors to self-register their business and post their products and services involved with agriculture for selling on Tonlesap App and they can also chart directly to Tonlesap App users. The supply chain actors can be
- input suppliers of fertilizers, pesticides, plastic mulch, drip tools,
- collectors, wholesalers and retailers of agricultural produces
- service providers of harvesting, ploughing, milling,
- trainers provide a range of technical training of agriculture
App Features:
1. Order: this feature allow the sellers can track their products ordered by Tonlesap App Users, accepted or rejected orders, and delivered or not yet delivered products/services,
2. Product: it enables the sellers to self-register and update their products and services including price, promotion and product description
3. Message: this feature allows seller to contact to Tonlesap App User directly for responding to questions, problems or clarification requested by Tonlesap App User
4. Setting: the users can change language, contact, address, and other profile information.