Trading and investing in stocks and financial instruments is becoming more profitable, when using price patterns.
⭐️ Investors get information mostly from fundamental data, but when they use technical or graphical analysis, there buys and sells can be more precise.
⚡️Technical analysis is extremely powerful especially when trading short-term starting from days to several months and more.
"Trend is your friend" - that words are familiar to professionals and even to beginners.
🔹 We can offer you trend indicators to filter those stocks that are going up or down.
🔹 Channel, breakthrough support/resistance, new high and new low.
🔹 Some traders like channels and stocks being flat for some time. We also can filter out flat (range) patterns for your convenience.
🔹 You can filter out stocks using pattern, price, market capitalization, sector or industry, average and relative volume, P/E, P/S etc.
Save your time and money with the help of our app, because you can filter from 6000 stock only those, that match your criteria and technically look good!