Grade Calculator is a simple app that helps you keep track of all your subject grades as you go through your school year/semester. It helps to calculate your grades by using all registered evaluations and weighing them according to the category they are contained in, thus generating a subject grade. Great for high school and university students who just need a clean, simple and easy-to-use grade tracker.
1. After installing the app, add a subject by clicking the button on the bottom-right corner, then selecting “Subject”. Give it a name and select the colour that helps you identify the subject.
2. Select the subject you just created. Add the categories by clicking the plus button on the top-right corner of the screen. Give them a name and the corresponding weight percentage (Make sure the sum of all weights of the categories add up to 100%).
3. That’s it! When you’re ready to add an evaluation, just add it using the button on the bottom-right corner of the main screen, give it a name, select the subject and category it’s contained in, and type your grade. The app automatically calculates all grades for the subject and updates the global average of all subjects.
- Dark theme: useful when using the app in a low-light environment;
- Number formatting: select how many decimal places are shown when your grades are displayed;
- Duplicate subjects: convenient when adding subjects with similar categories;
- Import/Export system: Easily backup your grades and evaluations onto a file which can then be used to import onto another device;
- And others…
Enjoy this app!