RVirat Wealth App is Portfolio Tracking App only for Clients of RVIRAT WEALTH LLP.
Our clients can login here and track their investments in various instruments such as :
1. Mutual Funds
3. Fixed Deposits
4. Other Assets like Real Estate, PMS etc.
The app provides a snapshot of your current investments as well as details of the scheme wise investments. You may download portfolio reports also.
Online investments in mutual fund schemes is also available :
Users may view and invest in:
1. Top Performers of Mutual Funds
2. New Funds Offers (NFO)
3. Top SIP Schemes
Simple financial calculators are provided to view the power of compounding over time.
These included:
- Retirement Calculator
- Education Fund Calculator
- Marriage Calculator
- SIP Calculator
- SIP Step up Calculator
- EMI Calculator
- Lumpsum Calculator
Suggestions and Feedback may please be sent to rviratwealth@gmail.com