Our Hindi Stories app has more than 1000+ stories and it is an app for Hindi, Dharmik, and Pauranik Story / Kahani lovers.
All the story categories and their stories / Kahani are beautifully organized.
✓ पौराणिक कथाएं | Pauranik Kathayen ( kahaniya )
✓ आध्यात्मिक कथाएँ | Spiritual - spiritual Stories
✓ रामायण कथा | ramayan kahani in hindi
✓ महाभारत कथा | Mahabharat katha
✓ विष्णु पुराण | vishnu puran katha
✓ शिव पुराण | Shiv Mahapuran kahaniya
✓ बाल कृष्ण लीला | krishna leela short stories
✓ वेद परिचय | hindu vedas in hindi
✓ अग्नि पुराण | agni puran saar
✓ ब्रह्म पुराण | brahma purana saar
✓ गरुड़ पुराण | garun puran saar katha
✓ सामवेद | samved in hindi
✓ महात्मा बुद्ध | mahatma budh ke updesh stories
✓ मुल्ला नसरुद्दीन किस्से | mulla nasruddin ke kisse in hindi
✓ शेख चिल्ली | shekh chilli ke kisse
✓ तेनालीराम | tenaliram ke kisse stories
✓ अकबर-बीरबल | akbar birbal story in hindi
✓ हास्य कहानियाँ | comedy stories hindi
✓ सिंहासन बत्तीसी | sinhasan battisi story
✓ द्रन्त कथाए | Jatak Tales ( Dant Katha ) Stories In Hindi
✓ पंचतन्त्र कहानियां | panchatantra stories
✓ प्रेरणादायक कहानियां | prernadayak kahaniyan / motivational stories
✓ दादी-नानी कहानियाँ | dadi nani stories in hindi
✓ कहावतों की कहानियाँ | kahavato ki kahaniya
✓ लोक कथाएँ | lok kathayen in hindi
✓ शिक्षाप्रद कहानियाँ | shikshaprad kahani/ educational stories
✓ जीवन की सीख | moral short stories
॰ Features of our application:
✓ 1000+ stories in one app.
✓ Amazing interface and graphics.
✓ Share On Social Sites
✓ Multiple Story Categories
✓ Story Telling By Speech/Audio Feature
✓ Dark Background for reading
✓ You can also add your favorite story to the list
✓ Fast and responsive user interface
✓ Share feature to easily send your favorite story / Kahani to your friends
✓ App fully functional without internet