This is a kind of USB Serial Terminal application that contains some graphics. Also there is a serial monitor in it.
You can use this app with Arduino or another microcontroller for your robotics projects and etc.
This application has feature for communication with Arduinos and other USB serial hardware on Android, using the Android USB Host Mode (OTG).
WARNING!! For now, only these communication parameters are valid:
*** Baud: 115200, Data: 8bits, Stop bits: 1bit, PARITY: NONE ***
You can see real time 3 graphics of some values.
This values must be sent in a sequence.
This sequence must be like that: Evalue1,value2,value3...\n
For example: "E256,-321,982\n" or "E902,1235,10,23,-325,-1240,90\n" etc.
Warning: Do not send data too much frequently. If there is lag and freezing in the app when there is data traffic, decrease incoming data frequency.
*This application supports up to 7 variables.
*You can set graphics' maximum and minimum values.
*Autoscaled graphs.
*Values are ordered in the order of sending in application.
*Each graph can show a value that is selected.
*You can set number of graphics that is shown.
*Multiple lines can be shown in a graph.
*Pinch to zoom both axes in graphs.
*Sliding and refreshing graphs.
*Data logs can be saved at *ExternalStorage*/USBGraphics/*CurrentTime* directory
*Up to 7 lines in multiple line graph for Full version
Arduino usage example for serial printing part for 2 values (adc1 and adc2 are example variables):
MPAndroidChart library is used.
Supported USB to serial converter chips:
FTDI FT232R, FT232H, FT2232H, FT4232H, FT230X, FT231X, FT234XD
Prolific PL2303
Silabs CP2102 and all other CP210x
Qinheng CH340, CH341A
and devices implementing the CDC/ACM protocol like
Arduino using ATmega32U4
Digispark using V-USB software USB
BBC micro:bit using ARM mbed DAPLink firmware